At artblack01:
Just because it's about religion doesn't make it bad. If you go into this with an open mind and try to analyse what you see, it's good. And the Bible verse at the end ties it all together nicely. And don't say that I'm only saying this because I'm a 'Religous fantasy nut' or something. I'm an atheist.
At the Author nahtanojmal
This animation was very enjoyable. I liked the symbolism in it and the animation was amazing and smooth. I apoligise for other athesists that believe that the proper course of action when faced with something religous that they don't like or understand, is to insult it and you. Your was animation is beautiful and deep if the watcher is in the right mindset. I enjoyed the story it told without words and I believe that you are very talented. I hope to see more from you soon. :-)